Friday, May 1, 2015

You Are Holy.

Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

I often lay in my bed at night thinking and praying about allllll of the people who are feeling hurt, heartbreak, a loss of a loved one, a person that's battling addictions, a person that feels so lost in this world. I cry my eyes out praying that God will wrap his sweet and loving arms around each of them. That's why I try to show kindness wherever I'm at...even if it's just to smile at someone or to make them laugh.

We're all brothers and sisters...we have to take care of one another. But even brothers and sisters bicker at times..we have to look over that. We have to lift each other up through Gods amazing grace.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

What IS love?

Love....the most amazing and surreal emotion known to the human race..but what is it exactly?? Is it a feeling..or is it a choice? I'd like to think of it as both.

Love is when you feel your heart beat fast, an exciting feeling. You seem to think of that one person, all day and everyday. As soon as your eyes open, that person is there. You see them in your dreams, you smile to yourself with all the memories with that person(even find yourself giggling). You sometimes fluster because you remember all the times you've been flattered by that person.

Love is real, love is out there. Sometimes we get so caught up in looking for it that it's really right in front of our face(and in Heaven of course).

Some of you may find it hard to believe in love anymore. You've been heartbroken, lied to, deceived, cheated on, etc. And you gave up on love didn't ya?? You turned your back against love because you think every single person that you try to get close to is gonna hurt you. Nope, not the case. You have to TRUST the other person. Yeah, heartbreak sucks, been there done that..but when you meet that one person...Oh...that one person that just turns your life'll hit you like a ton of bricks. You won't believe it until you dive into something that could be your future.

Think about it....God made someone for you. To fit your hands perfectly. To love you unconditionally as he does you.

So love is beautiful.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Depression isn't a fad

Some days I barely hold on when life drags me down, I wanna let go
But when my spirit is weak you come to my aid and strengthen my soul
I'm lost without you, I'll never doubt you
Your grace is beyond compare
Some people don't wanna talk about it, some people just wanna be left alone to deal with it on their own. Depression rules a lot of lives all over the world. I'm one of many in this world that's been in that dark place(and sometimes drift into it again).

I was at the point of no return. I felt so empty inside. I didn't understand why I felt the way that I felt! If you know me, you know I'm the happiest girl in the world. I felt like something was missing inside of me..a void that I just couldn't fix. I cried many times at work in those bathroom stalls.

I struggled with depression once before..I was around 19 years old. I was actually cutting myself when I got super down on myself. Was it me? Was I insane? Was I losing my mind? That's what you think when you're depressed. You THINK you're losing your mind but you're not. You feel like all your walls are crashing down on you and that you're so alone in the world, no matter who's surrounding you.

I had absolutely no reason to be sad...but of course the enemy aka the devil, tries to ruin our happiness. He feeds off of our misery and self doubt. He wants us to think we don't deserve any type of happiness...but the Lord thinks differently of his children. He comforts us, hugs us, forgives us and he knows when his child feels any type of hurt. You have to rely on God because his grace helps in every tiny situation. 

I braved up and went to the doctor, chemical imbalance making me feel the way that I did. I'm on antidepressants. I never thought in a million years that I, smiley face Tina, would be on antidepressants. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with coming forward and asking for help. Why else do you think God died for our sins? It wasn't for no reason.

So if you feel depressed...please get to to the to GOD...because you are loved unconditionally, no matter how you feel!

Tina O.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The struggle really is REAL

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. - 1 Peter 5:10

As much as I hate to admit(because I'm stubborn), I struggle. There. I said it. Sometimes we're thrown off course from God...we don't understand the reasoning. We automatically assume that he's punishing us. Oh, but no...He helps us through these struggles. No hurt or pain in this world can overpower the one true love above. He mends all hurt and pain...sometimes in ways that we don't understand. He puts us through a  temporary pain so we won't continue to have pain over and over again. He's our father, he wraps his arms around us and hugs us so tight.

I'll bet he one to admit, I lay in bed at night and often cry while I tell him all the things I've done wrong and how sorry I am for those things. I cry as I tell all these things. I cry and let him take ahold of my comfort me. He's our security blanket...he's always listening to us...even when we think he's ignoring us..he listens..and he cares.